Monday, February 28, 2011


I have made it to the LAX airport and am very excited to get to Guatemala city where I will have an 11 hour layover until my flight into Flores. I am not too excited about that part, but I will try to make the most of it.
I was sad leaving phoenix, but realized that that was a dumb way to feel. I decided that joy was what I should be feeling and the flight was wonderful. I am so excited to be in Guatemala that I might just poop my pants.
When I flew into the airport I saw some planes that looked like they had velociraptors on the tail. I was very excited and wanted to fly raptor air but later realized that they also looked like kangaroos and was probably some Australian airline.

Lesson: silhouettes of raptors look like silhouettes of roos.

I got into LAX and had to pick up my bags from baggage claim then hop on a bus to get to a terminal 2 (I was in terminal 1) and almost missed getting off the tram because I was talking to someone. Other than that, no hassle.

Lesson: don't talk to strangers .

Now I am sitting at my gate very excited to leave and board in about 20 minutes. I hope I can sleep as it is a five hour flight and I really don't want to sleep in the Guatemala city airport.

Dear God,
Thank you for getting me this far in my journey and reminding me to choose joy. Allow me to be happy in every situation That comes my way. I love You and need You


1 comment:

  1. Metalesson: don't talk to strange raptors.
    Don't rap with tall stranglers.
